Helen Murdoch-Wilson

Lead: Quality Assurance and Enhancement

Contact information

What is your role within the SCQFP?

I am the Lead for Quality Assurance and Enhancement within the Quality Team. In this role I support the SCQF Partnership in a range of activities relating to quality and capacity building. I work with all of the existing credit rating bodies (CRB), as well as new organisations who are interested in becoming a CRB. I also help deliver a range of workshops and I’m involved with the SCQF database.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Working with a wide range of organisations and people who are all committed to improving the opportunities for learners in Scotland’s educational landscape. I love the diversity of the SCQF, all the different learning programmes available and the impact these programmes can have on learners. I also enjoy the variety of the work and the fact we are a small team means we can be involved in lots of different projects.

Career so far

I started out in the tourism industry and had several happy years working for various tourist boards in Scotland. From there I moved to the college sector in 2003, working initially in student funding, and then moving on to the post of quality enhancement officer where I worked for 10 years before joining the SCQF Partnership in 2016.