Final NQF-in Conference, Warsaw

SCQFP Head of Quality and International, Sheila Dunn, presenting to attendees at the NQF-in conference

The NQF-in project held a final conference in Warsaw, Poland on 5-6 June. Its focus was developing models of the inclusion of non-formal sector qualifications in national qualifications frameworks – the experiences of European countries.

Sheila Dunn, Head of Quality and International Development, and Kevin McShane, Development Officer, represented the SCQF Partnership and presented the Scotland Country Report in relation to the proposed models.

Sheila Dunn said: ‘The conference was well attended and it was a great opportunity to hear about NQFs and non-formal learning in other countries. The project team hope that both the country reports and the models will be useful for those working with and developing national qualification frameworks.’

A full report of the conference including presentations can be found on the NQF-in website.

Download a copy of the conference report