Is that on the SCQF…? King George VI Youth leadership Programme

Group photo of Boys' Brigade King George VI participants

Is that on the SCQF…? is a series of blogs, where we look at some of the more unusual programmes that are on the SCQF. Read on to find out more about the King George VI Youth leadership Programme from Alan Hunter, Training & Development Officer with the Boys’ Brigade.

For a couple of weeks during the summer, Alan Hunter, The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland’s Training Officer’s focus is firmly on supporting BB young leaders, in the KGVI Youth Leadership Programme, at their national training centre at Carronvale House. The programme is credit rated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) on to the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at level 7, with 13 credit points.

The KGVI Youth Leadership Training Course (KGVI) is a programme of learning for young people, aged between 17 and 22, wishing to become Leaders in The Boys’ Brigade, comprising 2 one-week residential courses, one year apart, with supervised practical application back in the local group in the interim.

KGVI helps develop knowledge, skills and attitudes, required by effective youth workers, through practical and theoretical application, making use of a range of leadership, teamwork and life skills in a variety of contexts.

The programme comprises a series of three Modules in first year:

  • Leadership, Communication and Relationships;
  • Youth Leader Training – the Brigade’s leader training programme, incorporating a series of generic youth work modules;
  • BB programme – training in specific BB related programme activities;

with a continuation of the first and last modules in second year. Part one is mainly tutor-led interactive sessions, whilst Part two is an opportunity for the young leaders to demonstrate what they have learned and implemented back in the local group between the two courses.

The programme explores the important impact volunteers have on everyday life, giving learners experiences which are topical, and developing skills for learning, life and work, that will be of instant use when working with children and young people. Learners are involved in activities which are challenging, motivating and inspiring.

Josh, a young leader from Polmont said, “Membership of the BB has been a huge part of my life. Growing through the sections I developed a love and passion for the BB and I am proud to be a part of such a great organisation. KGVI has been a great help for my personal development as I have met likeminded young people and built good relationships with them. Skills learned at KGVI also helped me in interview, as a task we did at KGVI came up in the interview.”

Whilst the majority of participants will have come through all the sections as a young person, some will have come along to help as a young leader, like Heather from Paisley, who commented, “Throughout my six years in the BB as an Anchors leader, I have gained so much – from growing in confidence to meeting new friends. The relationships and connections I have made have been brilliant. Meeting everyone from all ages and walks of life, it has encouraged me to do the best I can do. Completing KGVI has enabled me to grow as a person, as I now have a lot more confidence, being able to chat to an audience of people listening to me, or voice what I feel is right and not be embarrassed or scared.”

For young people like Josh and Heather, being able to complete KGVI, a fun and life-changing experience, is great. To be able to achieve a widely recognised SCQF credit rated qualification in the process provides the icing on the cake.

For more information on the KGVI visit the website.

For more information on learning programmes on the SCQF, have a look at the SCQF Database.


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