MyBnk is a UK charity that delivers expert-led financial education programmes to 5-25 year olds – directly, virtually, and online. Together with young people, we have created innovative, high impact and high energy workshops that bring money to life.
MyBnk provides a range of programmes for young people, including Money Works and The Money House. These courses draw from real-life scenarios to help young people gain practical, financial, and digital skills to help them pay their rent on time, keep up with bills and budget their living costs.
Both programmes are aimed at 16-25 year olds entering independent living. The young people we work with are often in more challenging circumstances, such as care leavers, refugees/asylum seekers or those at risk of homelessness.
Participants of Money Works and The Money House in Scotland receive an SCQF Level 4 qualification in Personal Money Management credit rated by SQA. In Scotland there is also a second SCQF level 4 qualification in Independent Living Skills, combining employability with tenancy education. This is only delivered on our full 5-day Money House course.
Getting these qualifications at the end of the programme adds value to the course itself, but also recognises the work that young people put into it. It highlights our expertise and specialism at delivering this work and lends legitimacy to the idea of financial education.
Few, if any, young people in the UK actually get a qualification at school for personal finance. We think it’s so important to show learners that financial management is a qualifiable piece of learning. Some of the young people we work with may not have always engaged well with mainstream education, so it’s a chance to gain what might be their first qualification.
It’s important that our work is credit rated for the SCQF as it shows our learners and the people who work with them that we have a robust, well-designed, and well-delivered programme. It’s a quality mark we are very happy to have.
Here’s what some young adults in Scotland had to say about our programmes:
“The budgeting bit helped me get a better understanding of how much I spend. It opens our eyes: this is the way we’re living at the moment, what can we change in the future?”
Renee, 21, Aberdeen City Council & Who Cares Scotland
“All I would say to anyone is, no matter how much you think you know or don’t know about money, go to the Money House anyway.”
Kaityn, 22, The Money House Glasgow (virtual) attendee
To find out more about our work in Scotland, please contact