Our journey to becoming an SCQF Bronze Ambassador School – Lossiemouth High School

Karen McLauchlan, ICT & Business Education Teacher at Lossiemouth High School

Lossiemouth High School is located on the beautiful coastline of the Moray Firth in the North-East of Scotland. We have recently moved into a brand new school and we aim to raise attainment and achievement to result in positive destinations for all.


What have we done to raise awareness of the SCQF with staff/pupil/parents?

Our Ambassadors have raised awareness of the SCQF in many different ways. They have raised awareness with parents through stalls at parents’ nights and information evenings. They have also spoken to our pupils and shown them a video they made in assemblies to make them more aware of different pathways.


How have we promoted the principles & benefits of the SCQF?

We did staff training and then recruited S6 pupils to go through the training and become Ambassadors in June 2022. We were absolutely delighted to host the first SCQF Pupil Ambassadors Session, where we invited Ambassadors from Moray schools to join us and share ideas. Our Ambassadors have recently trained members of our school community from S3, 4 and 5 in March 2023 to take over the reins. We decided to vary the age range for sustainability.


How have we made changes to our curriculum?

As a school we are currently carrying out a curriculum review and looking at what other course options are available and what can be offered either in school to our pupils or through the likes of Moray College UHI.


Do you have any plans to progress with the tiered recognition element of the School Ambassador programme?

We started our SCQF journey in June 2022 and were awarded Bronze recognition in December 2022. We are now working our way towards hopefully achieving Silver recognition by the end of this year.


Notes from our pupil Ambassadors:


“What have you gained from being an SCQF Ambassador?”

“I have gained lots of confidence through doing info evenings and speaking to parents, also through doing assemblies.”

“As an Ambassador, I have improved on my communication skills and my confidence has improved a lot. I can now stand up and give talks about what I do as an Ambassador and pass on my expertise to future generations.”

“Being an SCQF Ambassador has been highly beneficial to me as it has given me lots of experience with promoting during parents’ evenings and assemblies and has boosted my confidence hugely.”


“How did you use the SCQF to progress your learning journey?”


“I used my knowledge of the SCQF to help me decide what courses to take that will help me the best possible way.”

“It has given me an amazing asset for my personal statement and great work for the future.”

“The SCQF has helped me gain a better understanding about different pathways in education, so that you can do your best for a better future. It has also made me understand that uni’ is not the be all and end all, and that you can still do the job of your dreams by different routes.”


For more information on the SCQF Ambassadors at Lossiemouth High visit: https://www.lossiehigh.co.uk/lhs_curriculum/scqf_ambassadors.html