Marr College, located in South Ayrshire, began its journey with the SCQF in January 2023 when it unveiled the School Ambassador Programme to pupils. This initiative, which saw the participation of student ambassadors from S3 to S6, has recently culminated in our achieving the SCQF Silver Ambassador Award, writes Lucy Campbell, PT Developing Young Workforce at Marr College.
Whole School Approach
Initial staff training took place in January 2023, led by Donnie Wood, SCQF Lead for Learning Pathways.
Following the training, PowerPoint slides from the session were distributed to all staff members and added to the Staff SCQF Teams. SCQF Ambassadors played a key role in facilitating an interactive session for all staff in May.
The purpose was to ensure that all staff understood the aims and benefits of the SCQF Ambassador programme and to support departments in enhancing learner pathways and providing alternative pathways to pupils in their educational journey.
Departments have recently established educational pathways that incorporate level-specific terminology and are encouraged to explore how these pathways can extend beyond Marr College, which include opportunities available at local colleges.
Pupil Awareness
Leading up to options choices, our ambassadors conducted short SCQF lesson inserts, as part of the Personal and Social Education (PSE) curriculum. These lessons were designed based on the SCQF-provided lesson plan and incorporated real-world case studies.
Our ambassadors also played a crucial role in preparing informative materials about the SCQF for option choices, distributed during personal support classes. It included a video explaining how the SCQF can support their individual learning journeys and emphasised the value of courses beyond national qualifications. This initiative also served as an opportunity to showcase the significant enhancements made to our curriculum offerings.
Find out more about Bronze, Silver and Gold SCQF School Ambassador recognition.
Appears at Level 12 only where it is used in the phrase ‘demonstrate substantial authority’, reflecting a recognised high level and depth of expertise/expert knowledge and understanding, along with confidence. It does not mean ‘exercise authority over staff and resources’ etc, as that could clearly apply at earlier levels. Used in connection with management and/or supervisory responsibility, denotes a requirement of a formal, substantive role. Applied to ‘supervision’, signifies a task or activity that is guided. Encompasses maps, plans, diagrams, tables and graphs. Combine discrete elements into a coherent whole. Examine in detail with a view to explanation and interpretation. Set out, put forward, deliver information using a variety of mediums as appropriate. Supposed, assumed for the sake of argument. Clear and uncomplicated activity, but not as demanding or systematic and therefore not as advanced as ‘routine’. Often used in combination with ‘originality’. There is overlap in definition, but the defining characteristic of creativity appears to be imagination. Often used in combination with ‘creativity’. There is overlap in definition, but the defining characteristic of originality appears to be independence. Used throughout as an adjective and applied to terms including level, skills, techniques, practices, contexts, and issues where it bears broad interpretation as ‘behaving appropriately/doing things properly and well and to notions of accepted, (including externally) prescribed standards’, as well as narrow, relating to a specific occupation designated as a profession. In this latter sense, the term applies in all contexts including academic study, eg footnoting properly. New territory for an activity. Used as an adjective throughout and applied to terms including skills, tasks, elements, practices, contexts, methods and problems where it describes activity that is standard, usual, unvarying, customary, common. Slightly more advanced and beyond personal but a known experience/activity encountered/applied regularly - less advanced than ‘familiar’. Often encountered or experienced; common; something one has a good knowledge of - more advanced than ‘personal’ and ‘everyday’, not as advanced as ‘routine’. An experience relating only or primarily to the person – one would expect to start here then widen out into the rest of the world, so not as advanced as ‘familiar’. Fully informed, capable of supporting in-depth analysis and assessment. Using judgement to recognise differences but not fully equipped/informed to analyse and discuss them in depth, so less advanced than critical. Consciousness, including a background consciousness. Can be a starting point for further exploration. A sense, perception, a hold, fix or grasp of one or more of the various aspects of a subject/discipline/sector. A thorough and firm grasp of a subject/discipline/sector or an element or elements of it, derived from education/study, experience and reasoning in appropriate combination. Can be defined as ‘know why’, as opposed to ‘know that’. More holistic knowledge of processes and contexts, so more advanced than appreciation and knowledge. Undemanding activity not necessarily part of a formal structure - not as advanced as ‘basic’. Facts, ideas, theories and concepts in a subject/discipline/sector acquired through experience and/or education – a surer grasp than appreciation so more advanced. Activity is early stepping stone on a structure or framework that can be built upon – more advanced than ‘simple’. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Read More
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