This year is an exciting one for us as the SCQF is 21 years old! As part of the celebrations, we are holding our first online conference on 24 March 2022.
The conference will run from 10.00 – 15.30 and the theme is Recognising Skills in a Changing Landscape. Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, will provide a keynote address and Ruth Jennings, Skills Development Programme Manager at Sainsbury’s, as well as chair of the Apprenticeship Approval Group, has agreed to chair the event.
The event features a variety of speakers, a panel session exploring future use of the SCQF and five breakout seminars. These will allow delegates to hear more about how the SCQF is being used by learners, schools, employers, Credit Rating Bodies, CLD, colleges and HEIs, so covering a broad range of interests.
We see this as an opportunity to celebrate the distance travelled since the Framework was first launched back in 2001, so the conference will showcase and celebrate the growth of the SCQF, not just as a Framework, but as a tool to promote parity of esteem and play a central role in the learner journey.
The conference is free to attend and you can book your place at
We have lots up our sleeve to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the creation of the SCQF as the year progresses, so please keep an eye on our website and social media channels to be a part of it!