SCQF Partnership publishes Annual Impact Report 19-20

Front cover of SCQFP Annual Impact Report

The SCQF Partnership has released its Annual Impact Report for 2019-20.

We have taken a different approach to our impact reporting this year and the information takes the form of infographics to provide stakeholders with an at-a-glance summary of our impact and successes over the year.

The report has an introduction by Richard Lochhead, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science and key activities undertaken included:

  • launch of new online RPL Tool
  • continuing success of the SCQF School Ambassador programme, with special recognition of the 100th Ambassador school to be recruited
  • launch of the SCQF Inclusive Recruiter programme
  • NQF Impact Review completed for Malta
  • 96,000 web users accessing the interactive Framework
  • SCQFP Team awarded the Gold Investors in People standard

Read the report