As the custodians of Scotland’s lifelong learning framework, the SCQF Partnership broadly welcomes the set of actions proposed by the Cabinet Secretary in response to the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment (IRQA) and looks forward to supporting our partners to bring these to life.

The SCQF is the tool that underpins learning in Scotland, allowing everyone to better understand their learning, gain recognition for this, and plan their lifelong learning journey.

The SCQF also promotes parity across different types of learning and better use of the Framework both in planning individual learning journeys for young people and recognising their informal and non-formal learning. Our aim is to ensure everyone in Scotland can reach their full potential, with the ability to articulate their skills and achievements regardless of background, age or stage.

We are encouraged by the consistent messaging from the IRQA and other authored reports about the positive and valuable contribution the SCQF has on the education landscape. We believe that further embedding the language of the SCQF in all forms of credit rated learning can be a step forward in the challenges around parity of esteem and putting learners at the centre of proposed changes.

Parity of esteem

The parity of esteem around qualifications and learning programmes remains a long-standing challenge. We have encouraged schools in our ambassador network to embed SCQF as the language of the school, ensuring the level of study is prioritised rather than the title of a qualification. This is an important step in creating a better understanding of qualifications on the SCQF Register for learners, schools, colleges and universities, as well as employers. 

Incorporating the SCQF level into the titling of learning programmes is a welcome step forward and we look forward to working closely with our partners to bring this to fruition.

Rationalising of qualifications

We are keen that SCQF is at the heart of discussions around any rationalising of qualifications in future to ensure that learners’ ability to engage in flexible learning pathways is retained through a refreshed Curriculum Improvement Cycle, via a wide range of qualifications and awards in subject areas suited to their needs. As part of our School Ambassador programme, we support schools to fully utilise a range of qualifications on the SCQF, creating diverse and inclusive pathways where learners have the opportunity to progress.

Project learning/Inter-Disciplinary Learning

Building on the existing Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) network developed by Education Scotland, we look forward to supporting partners and schools and helping shape the further direction of this work. We work closely with our schools’ network to access project learning and champion a range of learning programmes that can help embed IDL into an equitable offer for all learners.

Personal pathway and digital profiles

We welcome the continued work on personal pathways and the digital profiles and look forward to carrying on supporting our partners to explore future directions for the benefit of learners. At SCQFP, we are passionate that all learning is recognised and valued, with learners having the platform to showcase their wide range of skills, qualifications and awards.

Leaving certificate

There is much to be explored and considered with the development of a leaving certificate for learners and SCQFP very much looks forward to having key role in supporting this area of work. Recognising and valuing all learners’ achievements should be front and centre in these discussions, and we are happy to support Qualifications Scotland, Education Scotland and other partners to establish next steps.