European collaboration in higher education is just as vital now as at any point since the signing of the Bologna Declaration in 1999. Institutions and policymakers across Europe must learn from one another to tackle pressing challenges in education.

Paul White of the SCQFP presenting at a conference in Riga on micro credentials;

This week, I proudly represented the SCQF Partnership at the Bologna Follow-Up Group’s Thematic Peer Group A on Qualification Frameworks in Riga, Latvia. It was inspiring to engage with so much expertise and discuss our shared goals.


A key focus of our meeting was micro-credentials, which are bite-sized qualifications.

I highlighted the fantastic work of the Scottish Tertiary Education Network, organised by QAA Scotland, which produced a Glossary and Good Practice Guide for micro-credentials. This resource helps create a common language across the sector. It also aligns well with the ambitions of the Thematic Peer Group’s paper on micro-credentials.

There is a wide range of short qualifications on the SCQF Register, which can be viewed by sorting the number of credit points.