The Chartered Banker Institute (the Institute) is a professional body, authorised by the UK Privy Council to award the designation ‘Chartered Banker’. Many of the Institute’s qualifications sit within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), and whilst the SCQF is not a regulatory body, it has a role to ensure that the quality and integrity of the qualifications within the Framework are maintained. The Institute achieves this by being an SCQFP Approved Credit Rating Body (CRB).
The Institute recognises that knowledge and skills can be attained from a broad range of learning. The Institute is therefore committed to ensuring that, where appropriate, knowledge and skills which are gained via the certificated programmes of other recognised awarding bodies can be given credit towards our own professional qualification programmes through our RPL policy.
The Institute is happy to consider requests for RPL, where the previous qualifications are specific and relevant to the Institute’s qualifications, and there is at least an 80% match to the Institute’s qualification learning outcomes.
The award of credit for RPL in respect of the Institute’s professional qualifications can be considered where applications are supported by certificated learning, which must also be ‘attested/certified’ by an individual of professional standing.
The Institute’s RPL policy ensures that applications are treated equitably, consistently, timeously, and transparently.
Assessing requests for RPL can be a labour-intensive process, which needs to be balanced against the benefit for the learner: for example, no repeat of learning, a shorter path to a qualification and less cost.
Applications are normally considered, and a response provided, within 10 working days, as long as all the requested information is present and the ‘bona fides’ of the qualification and awarding institution can be confirmed.
An overseas applicant, working in a non-financial services environment, who was considering a career within financial services, and successfully gained credit through RPL for an Institute qualification, said: “My utmost gratitude for your time thoroughly evaluating my application and recognising my previous studies.”
Once RPL credit has been awarded, it can be used in two main ways: to provide a specific amount of credit at a specified SCQF level which can enable a student to gain advanced entry to a Chartered Banker Institute qualification or to gain a module exemption in respect of one or more specific Chartered Banker Institute qualification modules.
The Institute receives approximately 80 requests in a year for RPL, plus there may be enquiries that do not result in a formal RPL request. Requests are received from a variety of individuals from the UK and overseas. Most come from those already working within the financial services sector, but some for example, come from academics wishing to expand their portfolio of qualifications.
The Institute approves approximately 10% of RPL applications once they have been thoroughly reviewed and the attested evidence verified.
Applications are sometimes received from individuals who have many years’ experience in the financial sector and want to achieve Chartered Banker status. These applicants may be asked to consider the Chartered Banker by Experience route referred to at the end of this paper. It should be acknowledged that there is a very strict eligibility criteria.
Our general policies in relation to RPL include, but are not limited to:
The minimum and maximum SCQF credit points are 10 and 30, and prior learning must be at least broadly comparable to SCQF level 8.
Qualifications cannot be attained solely based on RPL credit. At least one module must be completed in respect of any qualification.
The Institute also recognises other selected professional body qualifications, on the basis that there must be at least an 80% match with the learning outcomes of the Institute qualification module.
Some Higher Education qualifications are recognised by the Institute in relation to prior learning. Conditions such as currency and the standard 80% match apply and the learning outcomes and qualification assessment method being similar in standard, scope, and rigour to an Institute module.
More information on Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) can be found on the Chartered Banker Institute website.
Finally, experienced bankers, for example those with more than 10 years of business experience, which must include 5 years of relevant banking and financial services experience, are able to obtain Chartered Banker by Experience (CBBE). This is an accelerated, flexible and rigorous route to achieve Chartered Banker status, through recognition of their expertise, experience, and contribution to banking. More details