The SCQF: Recognising Skills in a Changing Landscape

Attended by over 200 delegates from a variety of sectors, the theme of Recognising Skills in a Changing Landscape sought to not only celebrate the distance travelled since the Framework was first launched back in 2001, but also acknowledge the use of the SCQF as a tool to promote parity of esteem, therefore playing a central role in the learner journey.


The event, hosted by Ruth Jennings, Skills Development Programmes Manager for Sainsbury’s Ltd, brought together a wide range of SCQF stakeholders from sectors as diverse as schools, colleges, universities, Credit Rating Bodies, employers, private training providers, Community Learning and Development, international framework owners and, very importantly, learners, for whom the SCQF was originally envisioned 21+ years ago.

The conference featured a varied line-up of speakers showcasing the range of uses of the SCQF, a panel session exploring future use of the SCQF, and five breakout seminars with contributions from organisations such as Newbattle High School, Scottish Funding Council, ScotRail, Glasgow Caledonian University, and Fife College.

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills Keynote Address

The afternoon keynote address was provided by Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills. During her speech, Ms Somerville acknowledged the importance of the SCQF saying that,

“The Framework underpins our entire education system here in Scotland, supporting our commitment to first class and lifelong learning and training opportunities for all.”

She also told attendees that she expects,

“…to see the Framework at the very heart of [educational] reforms and I look forward to hearing from agencies about their plans to further embed it into curriculum design and learner journeys”


 “I very much value the independence and breadth of the Partnership and hope you will all accept my affirmation and enduring support for the Partnership.”

Our Sponsors

The event was sponsored by valued SCQF stakeholder organisations: College Development Network (CDN), Education Scotland, Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), the Scottish Training Federation (STF), Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and YouthLink Scotland, without whom we would not have been able to run such an event free of charge.

Access to Recordings of the conference

As the conference took place online, all sessions were recorded and are available to delegates here on the SCQF website.

21st Birthday Celebrations

2022 is a particularly special year for the SCQF as the Framework turns 21. We have lots up our sleeve to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the creation of the SCQF as the year progresses, so please keep an eye on our website and social media channels to be a part of it!  To join the conversation use #SCQF21years