Workshops & resources
We provide ongoing support to Credit Rating Bodies (CRBs) through our workshops and resources.
We can also offer bespoke support sessions for staff. Please contact Fiona Garry for more information.
Quality assurance – SCQFP Approved Credit Rating Bodies
SCQFP Approved Credit Rating Bodies (CRBs) are subject to monitoring by the SCQFP, which falls into two categories:
- Annual monitoring – carried out once a year through a self-evaluation submission and correspondence with SCQFP officers, with a formal online meeting if required
- Periodic review – carried out every four years through a self-evaluation submission and a formal online meeting with a review team, including external reviewers
To request templates for either of the above, please contact Helen Murdoch-Wilson.
More details are available in our Quality Assurance Model.
An annual fee of £1,500 (2023) each year is applicable irrespective of the type of review being undertaken.
Quality assurance – universities and colleges
For universities and other higher education institutions that have credit rated provision, quality assurance is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and will form part of their overall monitoring processes.
For colleges with credit rated provision, the quality assurance of credit rating activities will be carried out by the SCQFP.
Education Scotland continues to evaluate colleges’ quality of provision and services through ‘How Good Is Our College?’
Information Notes
A range of information notes has been developed for CRBs. These notes provide additional guidance on specific topics. The notes expand on the information within the SCQF Handbook and the Quality Assurance Model.
Is there a topic not listed that you feel would benefit from additional guidance? Please let us know.