Discover credit rating
Credit rating is the process of allocating an SCQF level and credit points to a qualification or learning programme so it can be placed on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework.
Organisations that carry out this process are called Credit Rating Bodies (CRBs).
Why become a
Credit Rating Body?
Is your organisation involved in creating learning programmes that have formal assessments? Interested in credit rating your programmes in-house? Consider becoming an SCQFP approved Credit Rating Body.
As an approved CRB, you can assign levels and credit points to your programmes and list them on the SCQF.
Check out our case studies to explore the benefits of becoming a CRB.
How does my organisation become a credit rating body?
The process begins with an initial discussion, followed by a detailed submission and scrutiny process lasting around six to nine months. The cost is £9,000 (as of 2023). To start the process, please contact Helen Murdoch-Wilson to arrange a meeting.
Any organisation wanting to become a CRB must fulfil the criteria detailed in our Quality Assurance Model (QAM) and will be subject to initial quality assurance approval and ongoing monitoring activities.
Information notes:
Credit rating bodies include:
Third party credit rating
Once you have been actively credit rating programmes for at least one year, you can apply for authority to credit rate programmes belonging to other organisations who may wish to have them placed on the SCQF. Some of our CRBs offer this service to partners as part of specific projects, while some offer it as a commercial service. There is a separate application and scrutiny process, with an associated fee of £2,000 (as of 2023).
Please contact Helen Murdoch-Wilson to discuss.