My Skills,
My Future

A young boy with headphones on his head and a scarf around his neck. He's holding a skateboard and smiling. He represents the learners that the SCQF supports
A young woman sits, smiling over her shoulder. She's sitting next to other people, who are blurred into the background. She signifies a person whom the SCQF Framework supports.

What is My Skills,
My Future?

My Skills, My Future is a toolkit for advisers who want to help people identify the skills they have gained from other experiences outwith formal qualifications.

The resources are aimed primarily at young people who have left, or may be about to leave, school with few or no formal qualifications.

However, it can also be used with young people who may have been made redundant from their first job, adults returning to work or the long-term unemployed.

A younger and older woman sit at a desk. The older woman is talking to the younger woman. There is a laptop on the deck.

How does it work?

Advisers use these resources with individuals over one or more sessions to identify their transferable skills through practical and engaging activities. These skills are then benchmarked against the SCQF to help individuals understand the level of their informal learning.

The resource also helps individuals develop a set of competency-based statements that can be used in a CV, to access further training or to use in job applications. They can then work with advisers to agree on a plan of action based on their strengths.

Learn more

Want to know more about My Skills, My Future?

Contact Donnie Wood or book into a My Skills, My Future workshop.