Inclusive Recruiter

Become an
Inclusive Recruiter

Confused by qualifications on applicants’ CVs? Struggling to fill job vacancies? SCQF Inclusive Recruiter can help.

Our free scheme helps employers navigate Scotland’s evolving qualifications landscape. It also widens your pool of applicants by encouraging the use of SCQF levels in job adverts.

In today’s challenging climate, matching the right talent, with the right skills, to the right job is more crucial than ever.

Want to see Inclusive Recruiter in action? Check out our case studies.

A man and woman are looking at a laptop screen. They represent employers whom the SCQF supports through its Inclusive Recruiter scheme

How do I become an Inclusive Recruiter?

Becoming an SCQF Inclusive Recruiter is simple and there is no cost. We will talk you through how to:

  • Recognise and compare qualifications
  • Recognise skills and experience at different SCQF levels
  • Benchmark your job roles to the SCQF
  • Word your job adverts to attract the widest range of candidates

We will:

  • Sign a Memorandum of Understanding with your organisation, setting out your responsibilities
  • Send you our Inclusive Recruiter logo for your website and recruitment packs
  • Provide wider staff training and continued support as required.

To become an Inclusive Recruiter, or find out more, complete the form below.

What are
SCQF levels?

Learners are now undertaking a wide range of qualifications. Beyond traditional Highers, HNCs, HNDs and degrees, they’re achieving National Progression Awards, Skills for Work, apprenticeships and SVQs, among others.

Asking for specific qualifications in a job advert, such as Highers, disqualifies a wide range of applicants. Asking for SCQF levels instead can significantly widen your pool of applicants, who may have the variety of qualifications or skills and experience your business needs.

View our resources to help you find the right level and guide you though the process.

Examples of good practice


  • This role would suit someone working at SCQF level 6
  • You will be educated to SCQF level 8 or have relevant skills and experience in …
  • Qualifications or skills and experience at SCQF level 9 (e.g. degree, graduate diploma)

Not Inclusive

  • Minimum 3 Highers
  • Qualified to HND level in a relevant discipline
  • Degree or equivalent

Ready to start?

To become an Inclusive Recruiter, or find out more, complete the form

Inclusive Recruiter Wall