Understanding your qualifications,
skills and experiences
I want to…

Your qualifications
Do you want to study while working, or return to education as a mature student after a break? The first step is to understand what qualifications you already have. Take a look at our Interactive Framework to see what SCQF level they are.
There are lots of learning programmes on our framework that you might undertake in the workplace, community or in your spare time. Search our register for details of these programmes. It’s easy to use.
Unsure about your qualifications? Choose an option below that best describes you:
If you’re gained skills through work or life experience, use our Know Your SCQF Level tool to map them to an SCQF level.
Our Old v New diagram can help you find their modern equivalents. For instance, Standard Grades at credit level grades one and two equal SCQF level 5.
Our Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries leaflet shows how qualifications from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland align with the SCQF.
If you studied in Europe and the country has a qualifications framework referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), you can use the EQF level to compare against the SCQF level. You can compare the levels using our Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries leaflet. If your qualification was achieved in a country not aligned to the EQF or outwith Europe, you should contact UK ENIC – the national agency responsible for providing information, advice and expert opinion on vocational, academic and professional skills and qualifications from over 180 countries worldwide. You will need to pay for this service. Careers Advisers at Skills Development Scotland centres may also be able to help.

What’s next?
With a clear idea of your SCQF level, you can explore options that will take you to a more challenging level. For example, if you have qualifications at SCQF level 6, you might consider Advanced Highers, HNCs, degrees or apprenticeships, which are all at SCQF level 7. Don’t forget about Professional Development Awards and SVQs for vocational growth.
Looking to study at university? Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can fast-track your education. If you already have the skills covered in certain modules of the course you wish to apply for, you might be exempt from them, saving you time and money. RPL can also help you meet entrance requirements. Learn more at our RPL Hub.
Need some inspiration? Check out our case studies.