Would You Credit It?
This workshop is suitable for organisations who wish to submit their learning programme to a credit rating body for credit rating. Participants will be introduced to the SCQF and the criteria which determine if a learning programme is suitable for credit rating.
An Introduction to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
This half-day interactive workshop is for those who are new to RPL. The workshop aims to increase your knowledge and awareness of RPL, including credit transfer, procedures and how they might work in practice. It will improve your understanding of the processes used by institutions to recognise prior learning and will explore the role of the RPL facilitator.
My Skills, My Future
This workshop is suitable for staff working within Careers, Information Advice and Guidance, as well as Community Learning and Development. My Skills, My Future is a suite of resources aimed at helping individuals identify skills they have gained from experiences outwith formal qualifications, such as hobbies, caring for someone or a part-time job. With the help of a facilitator, it allows them to have this learning informally benchmarked against the SCQF so they can understand the level of their achievements and plan their next steps.
Workshop participants receive a comprehensive resource pack and the expertise to help learners recognise and celebrate their unique skills.
The SCQF for Employers
This workshop is for employers who would like to develop their understanding of the SCQF and how it can be used to best effect in recruitment, workforce development and planning.
This full-day interactive training session will also explore how to level a job role to the SCQF, and understand and compare qualifications across Scotland and beyond. It will also look at how you can recognise existing employees’ skills and experience, use Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and source suitable training, all of which can boost employee morale and retention.
Credit Rating in Practice for Credit Rating Bodies
This workshop is for staff from credit rating bodies who wish to understand the SCQF credit rating process. It will explore credit rating processes and includes practical exercises, which allow participants to understand the allocation of SCQF levels and credit points.
Quality Assurance for Credit Rating
This workshop is for representatives from credit rating bodies involved in the quality assurance of their credit rating processes. This workshop will provide participants with information about the SCQF principles relating to quality assurance of the credit rating process, the ongoing monitoring of credit rated programmes and an understanding of the additional considerations and requirements when credit rating programmes belong to another organisation.
SCQF for Careers Information and Guidance Staff (CIAG)
This workshop will be of interest to people working in CIAG in further/higher education, Credit Rating Bodies, Community Learning and Development, union learning, and skills development. It will introduce participants to the SCQF and look at how CIAG staff can encourage learners to recognise their achievements and plan their next steps in learning or employment. The workshop will provide resources that can be used to help support learners into further training or employment.

Preparing a Submission for Credit Rating
This workshop is for staff in Credit Rating Bodies (CRBs) who wish to gain more knowledge of the process of preparing a learning programme for credit rating. This workshop looks at the four criteria and the SCQF Level Descriptors in more detail, and the part they play in preparing a submission for credit rating. It is designed to support staff in CRBs who are developing, or who would like more knowledge of how to develop, a learning programme which they are considering having credit rated for the SCQF.