What are SCQF levels?
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) has 12 levels.
The different levels indicate the level of difficulty of a particular qualification, with 12 being the most challenging. All of these levels feature on our framework diagram.
What is my SCQF level?
Find your highest qualification on our Framework diagram below and see its corresponding SCQF level. For instance, Highers put you at SCQF level 6, while an Honours Degree places you at level 10.
If you’ve gained skills through work or life experience, you can map them to an SCQF level.
To help you find the SCQF level that matches your skills, follow these simple steps:
- In the Framework diagram below, go to the first column and tap on the highest SCQF level (2-12) at which you have qualifications
- A link will take you to a page that describes the skills and abilities you would typically have if you were working at that SCQF level
- After reading the page, if you feel that this does not describe your skills and abilities, you can use the links on the page to look at a higher or lower SCQF level.
Find it on our register.
If it’s not on our register, then it’s likely that the qualification hasn’t been credit rated to the SCQF.
See our Old v New diagram to find the comparable level.
Our Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries leaflet shows how qualifications from England, Wales, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland align with the SCQF.
If you studied in Europe and the country has a qualifications framework that has been referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), you can use the EQF level to compare against the SCQF level. You can compare the levels using our Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries leaflet. If your qualification was achieved in a country not aligned to the EQF or outwith Europe, you should contact UK ENIC – the national agency responsible for providing information, advice and expert opinion on vocational, academic and professional skills and qualifications from over 180 countries worldwide. You will need to pay for this service. Careers Advisers at Skills Development Scotland centres may also be able to help.
Explore the Framework
Higher Education Institutions
& SVQs
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are available from levels 6-12 and are designed for those normally already in a career who wish to extend or broaden their skills base, usually after completing a degree or vocational qualification relevant to their area of interest. Credit points vary depending on the PDA.
Doctoral degrees are designed at SCQF Level 12 and are allocated at least 540 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 420 are at SCQF Level 12.
A Professional Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed. Each apprenticeship framework is specific to a particular industry or sector and contains three main elements:
- A relevant SVQ (or NOS based qualification)
- Career Skills
- Industry-specific training
Entry requirements vary depending on the specific job and apprenticeship framework.
SVQs are work-based qualifications which are usually delivered in the workplace or in partnership with a college or other training provider. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are available from levels 6-12 and are designed for those normally already in a career who wish to extend or broaden their skills base, usually after completing a degree or vocational qualification relevant to their area of interest. Credit points vary depending on the PDA.
Integrated Masters degrees are designed at SCQF Level 11 and are allocated at least 600 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 120 are at SCQF Level 11.
Masters degrees are designed at SCQF Level 11 and are allocated at least 180 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 150 are at SCQF Level 11.
The Post Graduate Certificate is designed to SCQF Level 11 and is allocated at least 60 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 40 should be at SCQF Level 11 or above.
The Post Graduate Diploma is designed to SCQF Level 11 and is allocated at least 120 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 90 should be at SCQF Level 11 or above.
A Graduate Apprenticeship offers those aged 16 or over (some vacancies might be for 18+) the opportunity to gain skills within Scottish industry and achieve a degree – From SCQF Level 9-11. 80% of an employee’s time is spent learning on the job, but they will also be a student at a university or college.
Entry requirements vary depending on the specific job and apprenticeship framework.
A Professional Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed. Each apprenticeship framework is specific to a particular industry or sector and contains three main elements:
- A relevant SVQ (or NOS based qualification)
- Career Skills
- Industry-specific training
Entry requirements vary depending on the specific job and apprenticeship framework.
SVQs are work-based qualifications which are usually delivered in the workplace or in partnership with a college or other training provider. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are available from levels 6-12 and are designed for those normally already in a career who wish to extend or broaden their skills base, usually after completing a degree or vocational qualification relevant to their area of interest. Credit points vary depending on the PDA.
The Scottish Bachelors degree with Honours is designed to SCQF Level 10 and is allocated at least 480 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 90 are at SCQF Level 9 and a minimum of 90 are at SCQF Level 10.
The degrees of the Open University are credit rated for the SCQF, however in terms of its undergraduate degree programmes the credit value allocated follows the credit framework guidelines of the FHEQ (England, Wales & NI). Therefore, unless where noted otherwise, honours degrees will consist of 360 SCQF credit points and not 480 SCQF credits as is traditionally the case in Scottish Higher Education Institutions under the credit guidelines of the FQHEIS (Scotland).
The Graduate Certificate is designed to SCQF Level 9 or 10 and is allocated a minimum of 60 SCQF Credit Points at SCQF Level 9 or above.
The Graduate Diploma is designed to SCQF Level 9 or 10 and is allocated a minimum of 120 SCQF Credit Points at SCQF Level 9 or above.
A Graduate Apprenticeship offers those aged 16 or over (some vacancies might be for 18+) the opportunity to gain skills within Scottish industry and achieve a degree – From SCQF Level 9-11. 80% of an employee’s time is spent learning on the job, but they will also be a student at a university or college.
Entry requirements vary depending on the specific job and apprenticeship framework.
A Professional Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed. Each apprenticeship framework is specific to a particular industry or sector and contains three main elements:
- A relevant SVQ (or NOS based qualification)
- Career Skills
- Industry-specific training
Entry requirements vary depending on the specific job and apprenticeship framework.
SVQs are work-based qualifications which are usually delivered in the workplace or in partnership with a college or other training provider. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are available from levels 6-12 and are designed for those normally already in a career who wish to extend or broaden their skills base, usually after completing a degree or vocational qualification relevant to their area of interest. Credit points vary depending on the PDA.
The Scottish Bachelors degree is designed to SCQF Level 9 and is allocated at least 360 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 60 are at SCQF Level 9.
The Graduate Certificate is designed to SCQF Level 9 or 10 and is allocated a minimum of 60 SCQF Credit Points at SCQF Level 9 or above.
The Graduate Diploma is designed to SCQF Level 9 or 10 and is allocated a minimum of 120 SCQF Credit Points at SCQF Level 9 or above.
A Graduate Apprenticeship offers those aged 16 or over (some vacancies might be for 18+) the opportunity to gain skills within Scottish industry and achieve a degree – From SCQF Level 9-11. 80% of an employee’s time is spent learning on the job, but they will also be a student at a university or college.
Entry requirements vary depending on the specific job and apprenticeship framework.
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
A Technical Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed. Each apprenticeship framework is specific to a particular industry or sector and contains three main elements:
- A relevant SVQ (or NOS based qualification)
- Career Skills
- Industry-specific training
SVQs are work-based qualifications which are usually delivered in the workplace or in partnership with a college or other training provider.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
SQA Advanced Diplomas are designed to provide people with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that employers expect and may also provide articulation to degree programmes. SQA Advanced Diplomas are designed to SCQF Level 8 and are allocated 240 SCQF Credit Points.
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are available from levels 6-12 and are designed for those normally already in a career who wish to extend or broaden their skills base, usually after completing a degree or vocational qualification relevant to their area of interest. Credit points vary depending on the PDA.
Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) are designed to provide people with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that employers expect and may also provide articulation to degree programmes. HNDs are designed to SCQF Level 8 and are allocated 240 SCQF Credit Points.
Next Generation Higher National Diplomas (NextGen: HNDs) are newly-developed qualifications which are designed to be adaptable and flexible to respond to the needs of a constantly changing employment environment.
As well as supporting life-long learning and progression to further study, they integrate essential meta-skills, while developing critical industry and subject-specific technical skills.
NextGen: HNDs are designed to SCQF Level 8 and are standalone qualifications worth 120 SCQF Credit Points. For more information, please visit www.sqa.org.uk/nextgen.
Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) are designed to provide people with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that employers expect and also to provide articulation to degree programmes, often with advanced entry into third year. Some HNDs exempt learners from taking all or part of the professional examinations needed to gain membership of the associated professional body.
The Diploma of Higher Education is designed to SCQF Level 8 and is allocated 240 SCQF Credit Points of which, a minimum of 90 are at SCQF Level 8 or above.
A Higher Apprenticeship offers those 16 or over the opportunity to gain skills within Scottish Industry and achieve a qualification at SCQF Level 8.
An employee’s time is split between learning on the job and as a student at college.
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
A Technical Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed. Each apprenticeship framework is specific to a particular industry or sector and contains three main elements:
- A relevant SVQ (or NOS based qualification)
- Career Skills
- Industry-specific training
SVQs are work-based qualifications which are usually delivered in the workplace or in partnership with a college or other training provider.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
SQA Advanced Certificates are designed to provide people with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that employers expect and may also provide articulation to SQA Advanced Diplomas and degree programmes. SQA Advanced Certificates are designed to SCQF Level 7 and are allocated 96 SCQF Credit Points.
Advanced Higher Courses are being designed to meet the aims, purposes, and values of Curriculum for Excellence, and provide progression from Higher Courses.
National Courses are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a specific subject area. Achieving a National Course at Advanced Higher shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills for a particular subject at the defined national standard. A National Course at Advanced Higher is allocated 32 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 7.
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are available from levels 6-12 and are designed for those normally already in a career who wish to extend or broaden their skills base, usually after completing a degree or vocational qualification relevant to their area of interest. Credit points vary depending on the PDA.
Scottish Language and Science Baccalaureates are designed to provide progression to further or higher education or to employment in related disciplines. Scottish Baccalaureates consist of a coherent group of current Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications, in addition to an Interdisciplinary Project. A Scottish Baccalaureate is allocated 104 SCQF Credit Points at SCQF Level 7.
Higher National Certificates (HNCs) are designed to provide people with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that employers expect and may also provide articulation to HNDs and degree programmes. HNCs are designed to SCQF Level 7 and are allocated 96 SCQF Credit Points.
Next Generation Higher National Certificates (NextGen: HNCs) are newly-developed qualifications which are designed to be adaptable and flexible to respond to the needs of a constantly changing employment environment.
As well as supporting life-long learning and progression to further study, they integrate essential meta-skills, while developing critical industry and subject-specific technical skills.
NextGen: HNCs are designed to SCQF Level 7 and are standalone qualifications worth 120 SCQF Credit Points. For more information, please visit www.sqa.org.uk/nextgen.
SQA Awards are small and flexible qualifications providing certification of learning and skills in a wide range of contexts. Awards are available for broad or specialist purposes. Awards are made up of one or more units, each having an SCQF level and credit value. They are internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk.
Higher National Certificates (HNCs) are designed to provide people with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that employers expect and also to provide articulation to degree programmes, often with advanced entry into second year. Some HNCs exempt learners from taking all or part of the professional examinations needed to gain membership of the associated professional body.
The Certificate of Higher Education is designed to SCQF Level 7 and is allocated 120 SCQF Credit Points of which a minimum of 90 are at SCQF Level 7 or above.
Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning opportunity for secondary school pupils usually starting in S5. Young people spend time out of school at college or with a local employer and complete the Foundation Apprenticeship alongside their other subjects like National 5s and Highers.
Each apprenticeship framework is specific to a particular industry or sector and contains 3 main elements:
- A relevant SVQ (or competency-based qualification)
- Core Skills
- Industry-specific training
A Modern Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed.
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
National Courses are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a specific subject area. Achieving a National Course at Higher shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills for a particular subject at the defined national standard. A National Course at Higher is allocated 24 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 6.
National Certificates (NCs) at SCQF Levels 4-6 are designed to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge that employers expect and also to provide articulation to Higher National (HN) programmes. NCs at SCQF Levels 4 -6 are made up of units with a total credit value of 72 Credit Points.
National Progression Awards (NPAs) at SCQF Levels 2-6 at SCQF Levels 2-6 are small flexible group awards that are linked to National Occupational Standards or other professional or trade standards and are designed to assess and certificate a defined set of skills in a specialist vocational area.
Each NPA varies in terms of credit points.
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are available from levels 6-12 and are designed for those normally already in a career who wish to extend or broaden their skills base, usually after completing a degree or vocational qualification relevant to their area of interest. Credit points vary depending on the PDA.
SQA Awards are small and flexible qualifications providing certification of learning and skills in a wide range of contexts. Awards are available for broad or specialist purposes. Awards are made up of one or more units, each having an SCQF level and credit value. They are internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk.
Skills for Work National Courses at Higher are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a specific vocational area, as well as an understanding of the workplace, skills, and attitudes for employability and Core Skills. For more info visit www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/5951.html
Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning opportunity for secondary school pupils usually starting in S5. Young people spend time out of school at college or with a local employer and complete the Foundation Apprenticeship alongside their other subjects like National 5s and Highers.
Each apprenticeship framework is specific to a particular industry or sector and contains 3 main elements:
- A relevant SVQ (or competency-based qualification)
- Core Skills
- Industry-specific training
A Modern Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed.
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
National courses are based on the aims, purposes, and values of Curriculum for Excellence. National 5 Courses are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a specific subject area as well as skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. Achieving a National 5 Course shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills in a particular subject at the defined national standard. A National 5 Course is allocated 24 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 5. Normally, each Unit is allocated 6 SCQF credit points.
National Certificates (NCs) at SCQF Levels 4-6 are designed to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge that employers expect and also to provide articulation to Higher National (HN) programmes. NCs at SCQF Levels 4 -6 are made up of units with a total credit value of 72 Credit Points.
National Progression Awards (NPAs) at SCQF Levels 2-6 at SCQF Levels 2-6 are small flexible group awards that are linked to National Occupational Standards or other professional or trade standards and are designed to assess and certificate a defined set of skills in a specialist vocational area.
Each NPA varies in terms of credit points.
SQA Awards are small and flexible qualifications providing certification of learning and skills in a wide range of contexts. Awards are available for broad or specialist purposes. Awards are made up of one or more units, each having an SCQF level and credit value. They are internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk.
Skills for Work National Courses at National 5 are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a broad vocational area, as well as an understanding of the workplace, skills, and attitudes for employability, Core Skills, and other transferable skills. Achieving a Skills for Work National Course at National 5 shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills in a particular area at the defined national standard. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/5951.html
A Modern Apprenticeship is a package of learning, training and practical work experience gained while employed.
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
National 4 Courses replace National Courses at Standard Grade General and at Intermediate 1 level, and are based on the aims, purposes and values of Curriculum for Excellence. National 4 Courses are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a specific subject area as well as skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. Achieving a National 4 Course shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills in a particular subject, at the defined national standard. A National 4 Course is allocated 24 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 4. Normally, each Unit is allocated 6 SCQF credit points.
National Certificates (NCs) at SCQF Levels 4-6 are designed to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge that employers expect and also to provide articulation to Higher National (HN) programmes. NCs at SCQF Levels 4 -6 are made up of units with a total credit value of 72 Credit Points.
National Progression Awards (NPAs) at SCQF Levels 2-6 at SCQF Levels 2-6 are small flexible group awards that are linked to National Occupational Standards or other professional or trade standards and are designed to assess and certificate a defined set of skills in a specialist vocational area.
Each NPA varies in terms of credit points.
SQA Awards are small and flexible qualifications providing certification of learning and skills in a wide range of contexts. Awards are available for broad or specialist purposes. Awards are made up of one or more units, each having an SCQF level and credit value. They are internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk.
Skills for Work National Courses at National 4 are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a broad vocational area, as well as an understanding of: the workplace, skills and attitudes for employability, Core Skills, and other transferable skills. Achieving a Skills for Work National Course at National 4 shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills in a particular area at the defined national standard. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/5951.html
SVQs are a means of recognising the skills and knowledge people need in employment, i.e. job competence. Successful completion of an SVQ provides clear evidence that the learner works to nationally recognised occupational standards.
Each Unit defines one aspect of a job or work-role and says what it is to be competent in that aspect of the job. To be awarded a full SVQ, learners must achieve each of the SVQ Units which make it up by demonstrating that they are competent in that aspect of the job. The Units which make up the SVQ can also be taken as freestanding awards. Some SVQs or SVQ Units are incorporated into other awards or programmes including HNCs and Modern Apprenticeships.
For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk
National 3 courses replaced National Courses at Standard Grade Foundation level and Access 3 and are based on the aims, purposes, and values of Curriculum for Excellence. National 3 Courses are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a specific subject area as well as skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. Achieving a National 3 Course shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills in a particular subject, at the defined national standard. A National 3 Course is allocated 18 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 3. Normally, each Unit is allocated 6 SCQF credit points.
National Certificates at SCQF Levels 2 – 3 are designed to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge that employers expect and also to provide articulation to higher-level study e.g. NCs at higher SCQF Levels. National Certificates at SCQF Levels 2 – 3 are made up of units with a total credit value of 54 SCQF Credit Points.
National Progression Awards (NPAs) at SCQF Levels 2-6 at SCQF Levels 2-6 are small flexible group awards that are linked to National Occupational Standards or other professional or trade standards and are designed to assess and certificate a defined set of skills in a specialist vocational area.
Each NPA varies in terms of credit points.
SQA Awards are small and flexible qualifications providing certification of learning and skills in a wide range of contexts. Awards are available for broad or specialist purposes. Awards are made up of one or more units, each having an SCQF level and credit value. They are internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk.
Skills for Work National Courses at National 3 are designed to develop skills and knowledge in a broad vocational area, as well as an understanding of the workplace, skills, and attitudes for employability, Core Skills, and other transferable skills. Achieving a Skills for Work National Course at National 3 shows that a learner has demonstrated the specified knowledge and skills in a particular area at the defined national standard. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/5951.html
National 2 courses replaced Access 2 qualifications and are based on the aims, purposes, and values of Curriculum for Excellence. National 2 qualifications are designed for learners who require additional support for learning. They will build on the broad, general education and will encourage and challenge learners to work towards qualifications appropriate to their needs and achievement. A National 2 Course is allocated 18 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 2. Normally, each Unit is allocated 6 SCQF credit points.
National Certificates at SCQF Levels 2 – 3 are designed to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge that employers expect and also to provide articulation to higher-level study e.g. NCs at higher SCQF Levels. National Certificates at SCQF Levels 2 – 3 are made up of units with a total credit value of 54 SCQF Credit Points.
National Progression Awards (NPAs) at SCQF Levels 2-6 at SCQF Levels 2-6 are small flexible group awards that are linked to National Occupational Standards or other professional or trade standards and are designed to assess and certificate a defined set of skills in a specialist vocational area.
Each NPA varies in terms of credit points.
SQA Awards are small and flexible qualifications providing certification of learning and skills in a wide range of contexts. Awards are available for broad or specialist purposes. Awards are made up of one or more units, each having an SCQF level and credit value. They are internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk.
National 1 courses replaced Access 1 qualifications and are based on the aims, purposes, and values of Curriculum for Excellence. National 1 qualifications are designed for learners who require additional support for learning. They encourage and challenge learners and enable them to work towards qualifications appropriate to their needs and achievement. National 1 Units are normally 6 SCQF credit points, although learners may need more time and more support to achieve them.
SQA Awards are small and flexible qualifications providing certification of learning and skills in a wide range of contexts. Awards are available for broad or specialist purposes. Awards are made up of one or more units, each having an SCQF level and credit value. They are internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. For more information visit www.sqa.org.uk.