Global network

European tools

A range of tools are available to ensure understanding between countries’ qualifications frameworks.

See below for a full list.

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Our popular leaflet, Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries shows the relationship of each framework within the UK and Republic of Ireland to each other and references the qualification levels to the EQF.

The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is an overarching qualifications framework that links different countries’ qualifications frameworks. Its main aim is to help people moving from one country to another for work, or to continue their education or training.

The SCQF Partnership was first referenced to the EQF in 2009. The original SCQF referencing report was updated in 2018/19 through an EC funded project to reflect the changes in Scottish education. The updated report is available here.

Further information on the EQF can be found at The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Europass.

ECVET aims to make the move between different countries and different learning environments easier.

It facilitates the validation, recognition and accumulation of work-related skills and knowledge acquired during a stay in another country. It should ensure that these experiences contribute to vocational qualifications.

ECVET offers a technical framework to describe qualifications in terms of units of learning outcomes. It includes assessment, transfer, accumulation and recognition procedures.

Following the announcement that the UK will not take part in the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme, ECVET UK closed its services on 1 January 2021. The ECVET network still operates across Europe and there are still useful resources for UK beneficiaries involved in international work on the Erasmus+ website.

The European Inventory is a regularly updated overview of validation practices across Europe. This inventory, compiled in cooperation with the European Commission, provides an overview of validation arrangements in European countries. In cooperation with the European Commission and Member States, Cedefop helps to develop validation systems by updating and hosting the inventory, and further developing European guidelines on validation.

ECTS compares the attainment and performance of students in higher education across Europe. ECTS credits are awarded on the basis of 60 ECTS credits for one academic year.

ECTS enables the transfer of credit from one institution to another, promoting greater student mobility. Therefore, if you have students who are studying part of their course in Europe, or planning to do so, their SCQF credit points need to be converted to ECTS or, conversely, ECTS needs to be converted to SCQF credit points. This is done by either multiplying or dividing by two.

To convert ECTS to SCQF credit points, multiply the number of ECTS credits by two and to convert SCQF credit points to ECTS divide the number of SCQF credit points by two. The ECTS Users’ Guide provides guidelines for the implementation of ECTS.

The EHEA, developed through the Bologna Process, was launched in March 2010 with the Budapest-Vienna Declaration. The main aim is to ensure more comparable, compatible and coherent systems of higher education in Europe. Scotland has engaged fully with the Bologna process from the outset.

The Scottish Bologna Stakeholders Group, which comprises representatives of education stakeholders, meets to discuss the Scottish approach, share best practice and plan for the future. Members of this group take part in wider Bologna Working Groups and Networks.

Europass helps individuals communicate their skills and competencies effectively when applying for a job or training.

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. The programme is managed by the UK National Agency, which is a partnership between the British Council and Ecorys UK. It delivers the programme for the benefit of participating UK organisations, and the individuals study, train, volunteer or gain work experience abroad through the programme. The UK continues to participate fully in the Erasmus+ and ESC programmes (2014-2020) for the full duration of projects, including those where funding runs beyond the end of the transition period.

The UK Government has created the Turing Scheme, which has replaced the UK’s participation in Erasmus+. This scheme supports students to study and work abroad. The new scheme is administered by the same partnership of British Council and Ecorys.