Working together
Our success is built on the strong relationships we’ve cultivated with key stakeholders across Scotland. Our partners share our commitment to empowering people through lifelong learning.
ADES is an independent professional network for leaders and managers in education and children’s services. We inform and influence education policy in Scotland working in partnership with local and national government and other agencies.
Chartered Banker Institute
A member-led organisation and a leading provider of professional banking qualifications. The Institute has a reputation of raising professional standards, representing qualified bankers and those working towards their professional banking qualifications.
CLD Standards Council
The CLD Standards Council Scotland is the professional body for people who work or volunteer in community learning and development in Scotland.
College Development Network
College Development Network (CDN) is a skills and sector development agency. Its mission is to maximise the impact of education for learners across the vocational and college system in Scotland.
Colleges Scotland
Colleges Scotland is the collective voice of the college sector in Scotland; striving to create cohesive and sustainable partnerships, demonstrate positive impact, acting as representatives, and campaigning for the sector.
Connect (formerly Scottish Parent Teacher Council) is the Scottish charity dedicated to supporting parental engagement in education. It works in partnership with parents, parent groups, educators and the wider education community.
Education Scotland
Education Scotland is the national body for supporting quality and improvement of learning and teaching in Scottish education.
Highlands & Islands Enterprise
Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE) is a government-sponsored development agency that sets the strategic background to which its 10 local enterprise companies operate.
Learning Link Scotland
Learning Link Scotland is an organization. Its mission is to support, promote, represent and develop third-sector adult learnintermediarying in Scotland.
Prosper, formerly the Scottish Council for Development and Industry, is an independent membership network that strengthens Scotland’s competitiveness by influencing government policies to encourage sustainable economic prosperity.
Quality Assurance Agency Scotland
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Scotland safeguards standards and improves the quality of UK higher education wherever it is delivered around the world.
School Leaders Scotland
School Leaders Scotland is a professional association that provides comprehensive and tailored guidance and support to those with a leadership role in Scottish secondary schools.
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise is Scotland’s main economic development agency and a non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government.
Scottish Funding Council
The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) aims to make Scotland the best place in the world to educate, research and innovate, through the country’s colleges and universities.
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is the devolved government of Scotland. It is responsible for most of the issues of day-to-day concern to the people of Scotland, including education and health.
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) helps people to realise their potential and to achieve their ambitions by providing a wide range of high-quality, internationally recognised qualifications and services.
Scottish Trades Union Congress
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) represents around 630,000 trade unionists, the members of 46 affiliated trade unions, in all occupational sectors and across Scotland.
Scottish Training Federation
The Scottish Training Federation (STF) represents over 140 training providers operating in the field of work-based training across Scotland.
Scottish Union Learning
Scottish Union Learning supports trade unions in developing, organising and delivering work-related learning and skills programmes for their members that contribute to collective prosperity and well-being, Fair Work and equality for workers across Scotland.
Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) can provide you with all of the advice and guidance necessary to get the right job or develop your career. Whether you’re at the stage of choosing subjects at school, selecting training, furthering your education, deciding upon a career or managing your career, SDS can help you to uncover new opportunities to fulfil your potential.
SQA Accreditation
SQA Accreditation has a remit from Scottish Government to accredit any type of qualification other than university degrees. It only accredits qualifications from approved awarding bodies.
Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland
Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland (Sparqs) is a publicly-funded agency for Scotland’s university and college sectors that aims to support student engagement in the quality of the learning experience.
The National Parent Forum of Scotland
The National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) works in partnership with national and local government and other organisations involved in education and child well-being issues to ensure that parents play a full and equal role in education.
Universities Scotland
Universities Scotland is the autonomous voice of the higher education sector in Scotland. It is a membership organisation, funded by the 21 Scottish universities and colleges of higher education to support and promote them.
YouthLink Scotland
YouthLink Scotland is the national agency for youth work. It is a membership organisation and is in the unique position of representing the interests and aspirations of the whole of the sector both voluntary and statutory. YouthLink Scotland champions the role and value of the youth work sector, challenging government at national and local levels to invest in the development of the sector.