Meet the


The SCQF Partnership staff team is responsible for maintaining the quality and integrity of the Framework, supporting Scotland’s Credit Rating Bodies and promoting understanding of the Framework as a lifelong learning tool.

The team supports employers, schools, third sector organisations and others interested in having their programmes credit rated. It also uses a wide range of communications tools, develop resources and provide workshops.

The Framework is now 23-years-old and is acknowledged internationally as a well-established national qualifications framework. The team continues to be involved in a variety of projects and events relating to educational and national framework developments domestically, in Europe and across the world.

Pauline Radcliffe headshot

Pauline Radcliffe

Chief Executive

Sheila Dunn

Head of Quality Enhancement and Recognition
Head of shoulders of Marissa Lippiatt

Marissa Lippiatt

Head of Development and Engagement

Helen Murdoch-Wilson

Lead: Quality Assurance and Enhancement

Fiona Garry

Lead: Recognition of Prior Learning

Donnie Wood

Lead: Learning Pathways

Nicola Smith

Lead: Projects and Employer Support

Paul White

Lead: Transnational

Houten Feeley

Communications and Marketing Officer

Lynda Short

Digital Communications Officer

Maureen Boyle


Susan Lauder

Executive Assistant

Laura Wilding

Management Accountant
Head and shoulders of Kamila Aitzhanova

Kamila Aitzhanova

Project Intern