Abertay University
Abertay University’s RPL scheme encompasses both the recognition of prior ‘certificated’ learning and prior ‘experiential’ learning.
Edinburgh Napier University
Napier recognises that knowledge and skills can be acquired from a wide range of learning experiences, both formal and informal. It states that students should enter a programme at a level appropriate to their prior learning and qualifications.
Glasgow Caledonian University – Undergraduate
Glasgow Caledonian University recognises experience gained outside the classroom. Find out how your experience can count towards undergraduate admission with Recognition of Prior Learning.
Glasgow Caledonian University – Postgraduate
Glasgow Caledonian University recognises experience gained outside the classroom. Find out how your experience can count towards post-graduate admission with Recognition of Prior Learning.
Glasgow School of Art
Glasgow School of Art accepts a range of qualifications and many entrants gain advanced entry – meaning they begin their studies in second or third year.
Heriot Watt University
At Heriot-Watt University, given its subject profile, Recognition of Prior Learning is based most commonly on certificated learning, ie an existing academic qualification. Where experiential learning is used, this is likely to be presented in conjunction with an existing qualification.
Queen Margaret University
At QMU, you may be able to gain RPL credit for previous certificated study, undertaken elsewhere. You also may be able to gain academic credit for experience; for example, experience gained through volunteering, or in your workplace.
Robert Gordon University
Find out how to gain recognition for previous learning, experience and skills to give you an advantage and achieve a degree at RGU.
University of Aberdeen
At the University of Aberdeen, Recognition of Prior Learning is known as Accreditation of Prior Learning and involves the recognition by the university of prior learning that has taken place elsewhere.
University of Dundee
The university’s policy and guidance on Recognition of Prior Learning outlines the process and basic criteria.
University of Edinburgh
Explore the RPL policy and procedure at the University of Edinburgh.
University of Glasgow
View the University of Glasgow’s website for guidance on the accreditation of prior learning to contribute to a degree.
University of the Highlands and Islands
UHI is committed to widening access to higher education and encourages applications from prospective students who do not have formal entry qualifications.
University of St Andrews
St Andrews’ RPL policy offers a way for applicants to receive credit for what they have already learned, helping them move forward in their academic journey more efficiently.
University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde values learning from both formal and informal experiences. It supports Recognition of Prior Learning and credit transfer to help students access and progress through undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
University of Stirling
The University of Stirling has a commitment to flexible entry and widening access to higher education.
University of the West of Scotland
The University of the West of Scotland recognises that learning takes place in a variety of contexts. Learning can happen in a formal setting through a structured programme of study and in an informal setting through work or other activities, such as volunteering.
Scotland’s Rural College
SRUC delivers college and university-level courses, from vocational and access courses to degrees and postgraduate programmes.
Open University
Whether you’ve studied some modules or courses at higher education level or completed part of a degree, diploma or certificate, you may be able to use it towards an Open University qualification.
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
The RCS considers an applicant’s prior achievements, experience and circumstances during the audition and interview process. It also uses alternative methods to assess qualifications and preparedness for doctoral students who lack a suitable first degree.
This Recognition of Prior Learning policy is a guidance document for use by EduQual staff (including its external quality assurers) and by the staff of EduQual-approved centres.
Chartered Bank Institute
The Chartered Banker Institute recognises that knowledge and skills can be attained from a broad range of learning. Where appropriate, knowledge and skills which are gained via the certificated programmes of other recognised awarding bodies can be given credit towards its own professional qualification programmes.
Institute of Chartered Accounts Scotland (ICAS)
Find out more about ICAS accredited qualifications and exemption information.
NHS Education for Scotland
Using RPL, NHS staff can use evidence of work-based experience and learning, or previous formal learning, to support their personal and career development.
NHS Education for Scotland
Turas portfolio (recognition of prior learning) is available to all NHS support workers who wish to use an individual portfolio to record evidence of their learning.
This website features formal college to degree articulation agreements between colleges and universities in the regions of Stirling, Clackmannanshire, Fife, Falkirk, West Lothian, City of Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, and the Scottish Borders.
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Exemptions can fast track your journey to ACCA membership if you’ve completed prior learning equivalent to the ACCA exams.
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
CIMA outlines what you need to know about bypassing some of the qualification’s exams to earn the CGMA® designation faster and gain exam exemption.
Guide to Ukrainian Qualifications
This guide is intended to provide information about the main certificates, diplomas and degrees awarded in Ukraine. It has been designed for employers, admissions staff in institutions at all levels, RPL practitioners, and third sector organisations supporting or advising refugees from Ukraine. The guide aims to allow them to make informed judgements about the value of these qualifications for entry to education, training or employment.
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
SQA’s policy is to recognise prior learning as a method of assessing whether a learner’s experience and achievements meet the evidence requirements (ie the standard) of an SQA unit or units.
Skills Discovery Tool
This tool invites you to input your current and previous job or volunteering roles, and it will then create a report of the top meta-skills in those roles and tell you a little about each.
ENIC can provide a statement of comparability for qualifications gained outside the UK, and for those wishing to get a UK Qualification reference statement.
RPL in Practice
A recorded session with our Lead for RPL, Fiona Garry, featuring an introduction to RPL with guest Marty Wright, Academic Head at Glasgow Caledonian University.
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
The European guidelines for the validation of non-formal and informal learning aim to clarify the conditions for developing and implementing validation. The guidelines are written for everybody involved in initiating, developing and implementing validation.
European Training Foundation (ETF)
This report explores policies and practices on validation of non-formal and informal learning in the ETF’s partner countries and presents the results of studies carried out in 16 countries in the period 2021–23.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
View a report from the OECD entitled ‘The Recognition of Prior Learning: Validating General Competencies’.
Universities Scotland/Colleges Scotland
This report from Universities Scotland and Colleges Scotland explores articulation within colleges and universities.
Quality Assurance Agency Scotland – RPL Framework for the Tertiary Sector
Read a review of Scotland’s framework for RPL, as written by the RPL Higher Education Institution Network.
European RPL Network
The European RPL Network is the association of national networks at European level working on RPL.
Guide to Ukrainian Qualifications
This guide is intended to provide information about the main certificates, diplomas and degrees awarded in Ukraine. It has been designed for employers, admissions staff in institutions at all levels, RPL practitioners, and third sector organisations supporting or advising refugees from Ukraine. The guide aims to allow them to make informed judgements about the value of these qualifications for entry to education, training or employment.
UHI Inverness
A case study by the SCQF Partnership for advisers on the Recognition of Prior Learning process and how it is being used by UHI Inverness.
Recognition of Prior Learning in Ireland
Learn about RPL in Ireland through the National RPL in Higher Education Project. The project is a collaborative initiative working to embed and expand RPL across 14 partner higher education institutions.
RPL Practitioners Network Ireland
The RPL Practitioner Network Ireland is led by practitioners working and interested in the area of Recognition of Prior Learning.
Recognition of Prior Learning in Wales
Learn about how RPL is being used in Wales.
Colleges Wales
ColegauCymru consultant Adrian Sheehan provides an overview of the many benefits of Recognition of Prior Learning but also the challenges it faces across the further education sector in Wales.
Recognition of Prior Learning in Malta
Learn more about RPL in Malta, where the the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority has seen a significant increase in requests from various education institutions to introduce RPL to their programmes of study.
Guide to Ukrainian Qualifications
This guide is intended to provide information about the main certificates, diplomas and degrees awarded in Ukraine. It has been designed for employers, admissions staff in institutions at all levels, RPL practitioners, and third sector organisations supporting or advising refugees from Ukraine. The guide aims to allow them to make informed judgements about the value of these qualifications for entry to education, training or employment.
Ecctis is a gold-standard provider of solutions and services in international education, training, and skills, and in the development and recognition of globally portable qualifications.
Skills Discovery Tool
The Skills Discovery tools can be used by employers and employees to explore the meta-skills required for job roles.