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D’Ahoy was a 3 year Erasmus+ funded project (2017-2020) that aimed to investigate innovative educational ideas around Decision Making, with a view to developing a Decision Skills Framework that can be integrated into Higher Education and Vocational Education & Training. Over a 3 year period from, the project will examine EU strategies on decision making, scientific and educational literature and a variety of other sources to help in developing a training model for Decision Skills and Competencies including innovative Teaching and Learning resources.


The project partners were:

  • IMTA – a French HE institution)

  • Ecole Navale (French Naval Academy)

  • Reykjavik University

  • City of Glasgow College

  • SCQF Partnership

  • FUEIB – a regional employment agency of the Balearic Islands

  • FREREF – a French Lifelong Learning Foundation 


D’Ahoy defined and evaluated several innovative Teaching and Learning activities in VUCA situations and a set of seven skills statements:

D1  Recognise and qualify the VUCAlity of situations,

D2  Analyse VUCA situations,

D3  Make a judgement in VUCA situations,

D4  Face complexity of VUCA situations,

D5  Organise and implement actions in VUCA situations,

D6  Take responsibilities in the decision process in VUCA situations, and

D7  Learn from experience of VUCA situations.


The project outputs included 3 guides, a Youtube channel with 8 videos, more than 15 publications and conference presentations, which include:

The range of videos on the project including the presentations from the online final seminar can be found here 


More information on the D'Ahoy project and the reports are available on the project website (English version) 

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