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An introduction to Would You Credit It? workshop

SCQF Development Officer, Nicola Smith introduces the Would You Credit It workshop and details the benefits of attending for those interested in having in-house training/learning programmes credit rated on the SCQF in order to gain national recognition.

Key themes addressed over the day

  • The SCQF – Key Facts
  • Meeting the criteria:
  • Learning outcomes
  • Assessment and assessment planning
  • The allocation of credit
  • Proposing an SCQF level
  • Quality assurance
  • Submitting a programme for Credit Rating – who does what?
  • Finding further support

If you are unsure as to whether this workshop will meet your needs please contact 0141 225 2922 or bookings@scqf.org.uk

Was worried it would be quite a 'dry' day of training however felt engaged throughout, and you both kept the day interesting and helpful.

Audrey Pollock, SSSC

I found the Would You Credit It course a really enjoyable and informative course. It was an area I was not confident in but after the practical exercises and wealth of resources and information given, I feel more able to write suitable learning outcomes and levels of units!

Vicky Wilson, Fife Council.

If you are interested in either understanding the SCQF or formalising your company’s training programme, this course is really worth taking the time out for.

George McCormack, Dupont Teijin Films UK Ltd.

Full of information and clearly delivered, this workshop made learning about the process of becoming credit rated enjoyable. With many practical exercises, I feel I now understand what is involved and can start applying the skills and moving forward with our training programme.

Deirdre Hill, Edinburgh Steiner Teacher Education Course.

The workshop helped clarify the process for credit rating a programme and gave me the tools and knowledge to help make it happen.

Gail English, Social Enterprise Academy.

Really enjoyed the session, thought it worked well doing it online. I appreciated have the morning session and the afternoon session with the two hour break in between, I thought that was a really nice structure.

Laura Beatie, University of Edinburgh

Start: Thursday, 08 Aug 2024 at 10:00am

End: Thursday, 08 Aug 2024 at 4:00pm

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