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NQF-IN Project Meeting in Marseille, France

Delegates at the NQF-in meeting networking during a break

The meeting’s aim was to discuss the country reports, models of including non-formal education qualifications to National Qualifications Framework, as well as to plan the project conference in Prague scheduled for November 2017.

Representatives of all seven project Partners participated in the meeting. The meeting was opened by Mr. Alberto Lopez, Director of Céreq. He welcomed all project partners and expressed his appreciation for the importance of the work that has been done so far within the NQF-in project. Then Horacy Dębowski from IBE warmly welcomed all present and explained the aims of the meeting.

The main part of the meeting was a discussion on the country reports, as well as the organisational and financial models for including qualifications in NQFs. Country reports provide relevant information about the rationale of the qualifications system in each country, procedures and the institutional set-up in the particular system. The main topic of the country reports is the approach toward qualifications awarded outside the formal educational system, which are neither provided in school nor regulated by the state. These reports will be a valuable source of information for decision-makers, researchers, stakeholders and all other persons interested in this field.

Horacy Dębowski presented a first approach toward developing the models and their key elements. The models of the solutions will be a synthesis of information included in the country reports and will refer to, among others: (a) the types of qualifications that are included in the NQFs, (b) the institutional arrangements – their pros and cons depending on the goals set for the NQF, and the broad institutional context, (c) cost intensity – how cost intensive are the systemic solutions envisaged by the model, (d) recommendations on its financing.

The NQF-IN Project, “Developing organisational and financial models for including non-formal sector qualifications in National Qualifications Frameworks”, is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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The SCQF Partnership

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